Ultimate PK Ring Magic Kit - Small (19mm) by Magic Makers

Ultimate PK Ring Magic Kit - Small (19mm) by Magic Makers

Magic Makers


19mm inner diameter - SILVER COLOR

Psychokinetic power is now possible with the Ultimate PK Magic Ring Kit.

Make objects move without touching them. Use the PK Magic Ring to make the included PK Magic Pen come to life. Have the power to make a selected card rise out of a pile of cards. Even make a washer pass right through a sealed bottle. Make objects disappear in thin air. The possibilities of the PK Magic Ring are limitless.

The Ultimate PK MAGIC RING Kit Contains

  • Learning Course with 7 Powerful Effects
  • PK Magic Ring (Silver Color) - Small size 19mm inner diameter
  • Props to perform washer in bottle effect
  • Plus Bonus Material: PK Magic Pen included with extra learning material


Washer Through Bottle
A powerful Illusion with the washer magically inside a closed bottle.

Disappearing Paper Clips
One quick wave over the paper clip it disappears.

Pushing & Pulling A Pen
A cool magical way to move the PK MAGIC Pen across the table.

Spinning A PK Magic Pen Around On A Bottle Top
Magically spin the PK Magic Pen around and around on a bottle top.

Picking Up A Card
Wave your hand over the cards and you lift one single card from the pile.

Topsy Turvey Pen
Fool your audience with this pen.

BONUS: Pen with the Dollar Bill
Have your PK Magic Pen magically penetrate a dollar bill without leaving a hole!