Now You See It, Now You Don't by Bill Tarr - Book

Fun, Inc.
A comprehensive course in sleight of hand complete in this classic book. This simple learn-by-picture method makes it easy for anyone aged twelve and up to perform all the classic sleights just as they are done by the world's greatest professional magicians.
Long-time magician Bill Tarr has teamed up with Barry Ross, an illustrator famous for his instructional sports diagrams, for easy-to-follow step-by-step instructions, so that with the help of more than 1,500 line drawings that capture each eye-fooling movement, you'll learn everything from simple sleights you can master in minutes to the great classics of magic.
With ordinary objects - a regular deck of cards, a coin from someone's pocket, a few balls of crumpled aluminum foil - you'll soon be performing:
- Cards
- Fans
- The Cups and Balls
- The Three Shell Game
- The Miser's Dream
- Cut and Restored Rope
- Three Card Monte
- And Much More!
After you've mastered everything in this volume, be sure to check out what's next to learn in Volume 2!