Invisible Spelling by Brandez video DOWNLOAD

Magician shuffles a white business card with name and deals off 24 cards into a face down pile,then divided into two piles of 12 cards each at the direction of a spectator.
Spectator selects one of the piles and the other is discarded. (spectator selects it will be use)
No forcing This piles of 12 name on business cards is divided into two piles of 6 cards each.
The spectator choose one piles free choice,now thinks of one of the name in this group of 6 cards. And the magician can guess the name chosen by the spectator... amazing...
Easy to do
No sleight of hand
No duplicate
No marked
No forces
No mathematics
No fishing questions
Free to choose the piles
Support for online/zoom show
You can learn it in ten minutes time
You just need blank business card and marker to do this amazing mentalism. This is amazing mind blowing magic effec!
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