Juan Hundred Switch Evolution by Juan Pablo video DOWNLOAD

Juan Hundred Switch Evolution by Juan Pablo video DOWNLOAD

Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.


Juan Pablo presents: Juan Hundred Switch Evolution

A new version of Juan Pablo classic "Juan Hundred Switch" that will allow you to change the value and also the size of the bill!.

A normal dollar bill is examined and then displayed at your fingertips. Both hands are clearly seen to be empty. The bill is not folded up or covered in any way. The entire face of the dollar bill is in full view and stays in full view as it visibly morphs into a one hundred dollar bill. Both sides of the bill are clearly shown and the bill is handed out for immediate examination.
  • Entire face of the bill visibly changes while in full view with absolutely no cover
  • Uses a normal bill which can also be borrowed
  • Bill is completely examinable before and after the change
  • Ideal for real world workers
  • Both bills can be different sizes and colors, you can turn smaller to bigger bills
  • Perfect to perform with Euros, Pounds, etc...
  • No gimmick!
Download the video and learn now !