Conjuror's Wisdom, Volume 2 by Joe Hernandez - Book

Conjuror's Wisdom, Volume 2 by Joe Hernandez - Book

Here are three thousand three hundred thirty-three concise, honest, straightforward, street-smart, and timeless expressed quotes to delight and inspire your approach to the art of conjuring.

The selections range from serious to amusing, from provocative to whimsical. These quotes will add to your thinking and challenge you to reconsider many prevailing thoughts in modern conjuring.

By their very nature, the quotes in Conjurer's Wisdom are meant to be used often and shared during your performance to enliven your presentation. Folks from all lifestyles and all ages will enjoy the wit and wisdom these quotes provide. That was my intent in writing them.

Whether you are performing close-up magic for one participant or to a larger crowd, at a corporate gig, on stage, or you are at a loss for words, here you will find an appropriate quotable quote.

There is no time limit or constraint to these pithy foolosophical quirky utterances. Some are based on truths, semi-truths, or just simply on untruths. You decide. These quotes will last you a lifetime.

Read and enjoy!