Princess On the Go by Josh Burch

They think of any card. It vanishes - poof - right in front of their eyes. They don't even say a word. No switches. No hidden cards.
Vanish a playing card that your audience member is merely thinking of. Building on a classic principle in magic, this trick has a baffling vanish that works in real life and over video chat. Direct, sure-fire magic that is now printed on durable plastic that handles like ordinary playing cards so your favorite packet trick will never wear out. This is Princess On the Go by Josh Burch.
Here’s what happens:
The magician tells a story of being in a poker game when they were dealt one to many cards and had to vanish one of the cards so they wouldn’t get caught cheating. To illustrate the story the magician shows the six cards in their hand and asks the participant to merely think of any of the cards. With a snap of the fingers the thought of card vanishes, and the cards can be shown individually to prove that the magician is hiding nothing.
The Princess Card Trick is a classic in magic, and now it’s printed on durable polymer cards that handle like a dream. These cards can withstand living in your pocket, spilled drinks, sticky fingers, and even beach holidays. The poker routine is engaging to audiences, and the new vanish by Josh Burch gets great reactions. This will become your new go-to packet trick, and thanks to the high-quality plastic it will be for years to come. Perform your favorite packet trick anywhere with Princess On the Go by Josh Burch.