Head Tricks by Joel Dickinson - Book

Head Tricks by Joel Dickinson - Book
What is Head Tricks?

It's a book full of hard hitting effects for magicians, mentalists and mind magicians.

All of the material within the book can be applied to close-up and stage performances.

The routines within are easy to perform, but will fool the sharpest of minds.

Contents include:

Volition: Your participant is handed three objects to mix. After deciding which object will go where your participants actions were predicted well ahead of time.

Triveal: Merely thought of playing cards are revealed and predicted ahead of time.

Foreseen: Your participant guess which hand an object sits in five times. The performers prediction astonishes all as it reveals he knew the outcome in advance. Then, jaws drop for a second time as the performer reveals that he knew every decision the participant would make, and what's more, the prediction has been in the participants pocket from the word go.

Joel's Book TestA thought of word is revealed under impossible circumstances. This simple solution to the book test plot should not be overlooked. Zero memory work!

This, That and the Other: Prediction based business card routine.

Coin Foreseen: An astounding which hand coin routine with a twist.

Calibrate: Reveal your participants star sign and a thought of object. No process to follow, simple, direct and astounding.

Strike 2: A unique mentalism principle designed to eliminate fishing.

Calibrate V2: Reveal your participants zodiac sign. Then a thought of person and object in an unusual manner.

Simple Peek Envelope: Take the simple peek envelope to the next level

Quick Peek Tips: Some simple tips to improve your peek method.

And many more routines, tips and ideas.